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Setting up Sharepoint Hosted App with Angular
I was having a peaceful day with me and my sharepoint until one day my boss came and told me he needed an angular application.
BOSS: I need an angular app.
ME: Ok. I need to have a platform where I can host that angular app.
BOSS: Well where have you been hosting other apps till now?
ME: On sharepoint.
BOSS: Then host the angular app on sharepoint.
ME: Whaaaat? (inside my head).
ME: Nodded my head agreeing with him.
Having a sharepoint hosted app with angular integrated is one in many possibilities which we will look into today.
This article has below Assumptions
- You have experience on sharepoint hosted app (host web)
- You have knowledge of angular app
We will be setting up this environment in 3 parts
- Setting up the sharepoint application with client web part
- Setting up the angular application
- Integration of these two
1. Setting up the sharepoint application with client web part 🐵
Step 1: Create a sharepoint app using office “App for Sharepoint” in Visual Studio.